Enjoy the Support of Leadership Group Coaching

You are being asked to do more, extend your expertise, and lead your teams into the future. Tackling these new challenges requires new skills.



Leaders Need Community and Support

The unprecedented level of uncertainty of a global pandemic and social unrest has left many unsure of the next steps and scrambling to secure their organizations, support their teams, and create a clear vision of where to go from here.

Although you are familiar with the concept of “Putting on your oxygen mask first and then assisting others” in the practical application you are so busy making sure your teams have what they need to be safe and secure you often forget to care for yourself. 

As leaders, you owe it to your teams to recharge and prepare strategic innovations so you can effectively support and lead your teams through our current global climate and the extreme levels of uncertainty coming with a global pandemic, social unrest, and economic downturn.

It’s time to get the support you need to support your teams! The data shows, Transformational leaders, build hardy and resilient teams, reduce the impact of trauma within their followers in times of crisis, and support clarity of direction throughout the recovery process and the aftermath of crisis situations. (Bartone, 2006)

Experience Group Support

Leadership Group Coaching: Transformational Leadership & Crisis Response

During this 6-Week Leadership Group Coaching package you will: 


Course Objectives & Outcomes


Harness the Benefit of Group Support

How are other leaders tackling similar challenges? In this unprecedented time of uncertainty, it’s important to have other like-minded leaders to collaborate with to share challenges, explore alternatives, and troubleshoot new initiatives. Group support can provide a sounding board for your ideas, identify potential blocks, and normalize your challenges. You’re not in this alone.


Become More Transformational in Your Leadership Style

Transformational leaders have been referred to as the “White Unicorn” of leadership as their leadership technique seems almost magical when applied. Throughout the 6-weeks you will begin to apply the four principles of a transformational leader to build hardy teams, clarify your vision, and increase engagement.


Identify Three Ways to Build Hardiness

There are specific and strategic actions you can take to build your hardiness and resilience and to support your followers in doing the same.  You will take the Hardiness Resilience Gauge assessment that will give you clear guidelines and simple action steps to build hardiness, strengthen commitment, identify opportunities to build control, and overcome challenges.


Apply Simple Steps to Reduce Trauma

There are simple steps that can be taken to reduce the negative impact of a crisis situation and to use the challenges as opportunities for positive outcomes, the silver lining of a traumatic event.  As you begin to apply the action steps to build hardiness you can reduce the negative impact of a crisis situation for yourself and your followers.


Clarify Your Vision

With the “new normal” comes the need for a “new vision” for your followers. One of the main influencers of the negative impact of a crisis situation is the lack of clarity for where we go next. When the follower believes in their leader’s ability to keep them safe they not only rise to the occasion but often thrive as they are able to perform in ways they never imagined they could increasing their self-esteem, engagement, and loyalty to your organization.


Model Structure and Stability

This 6-week group coaching package is designed to model structure and stability for you to bring to your teams. Crisis brings with it uncertainty and having as much stability as can be created based on your unique needs as a leader and within your organization is grounded in the three C’s of hardiness: challenge, control, and commitment.

This is HR's Leadership Moment

During this unprecedented time of uncertainty and the level of local and global crisis we are currently experiencing and will continue to face, now more than ever, we are turning to our HR Leaders for direction, support, and strategic planning. Some of the challenges we have been facing are magnified and an entirely new set of challenges we never imagined have emerged.

The data shows leadership is essential in tackling crisis and not just any leadership but transformational leadership has the most positive outcome in developing hardiness and resilience in their followers. (Bardone, 2006)

"Unlike a flood or a tornado, the virus doesn’t hit once and go away. It lingers, leaving business leaders and employees uncertain about their next steps." (SHRM, June 2020)

As Part of this Groundbreaking Program, You will Also Get:

Three Assessments: MLQ, HRG, & PSS

Gap Analysis: Establish a Clear Path toward Your Professional Development

Upon entering into the group you will take the MLQ to identify your leadership tendencies,  HRG to measure your hardiness, and PSS to assess stress levels. Based on your results you will explore where you are currently to where you would like to be and establish a strategic plan of action. At the completion of the 6-Week group, you will take the assessments again to see your success and develop a plan for your continued development.

3 Hours of Industry Best Practices Video Series

Topics: Nonclinical Trauma Reduction, Transformational Leadership, Goal Setting, and Building Hardiness and Resilience.

Each week prior to your live 90-minute group coaching session you will have access to industry best practice video series. The video series will be used to provide your group coaching sessions with tools, tips, and techniques. During the group coaching sessions, you will select your goals or specific areas you want to develop, establish action steps, identify potential obstacles, brainstorm solutions to the obstacles and establish a clear plan of action for implementation.  

Multi Factor Leadership (MLQ) Assessment

Identify Your Current Leadership Tendencies 

The Multi Factor Leadership Questionnaire assesses your leadership tendencies between three prominent leadership styles. Breaking each style into categories and providing you with a clear guide for your unique professional development needs.

Gain clarity, identify opportunities, and establish a clear path toward becoming more transformational in your leadership style.

Hardiness & Resilience Gauge (HRG) Assessment

The 3 C's: Challenge, Control, & Commitment Reduce Trauma & Increases Engagement

The HRG is grounded in over 30 years of research. The Hardiness Resilience Gauge is focused on the 3 – C’s Challenge, Control, and Commitment

Your HRG results will help you identify a clear strategic path to increase your hardiness and build resilience. As you enhance your hardiness you will learn techniques and gain access to tools to build hardiness and resilience within your teams. 

Individuals who score high in hardiness fare better in times of crisis, high levels of change, and uncertainty. 

Percieved Stress Scale (PSS) Assessment

Identify oppertunities to reduce stress and navigate long-term stressors

The Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) is the most widely used psychological instrument for measuring the perception of stress. It is a measure of the degree to which situations in one’s life are appraised as stressful.

Stress has a far reaching impact on all areas of life. Within the group coaching program you will use this assessment to identfiying areas you percieve to be most stressful and develop a short and long-term plan to reduce stress. 

Meet Your Group Coach

Dr. Janine Elias NBC-HWC

Dr. Janine Elias NBC-HWC

President & Principle Consultant

As leaders, we have a unique opportunity to alter our current path.  What we do now will have lasting impact for our organizations, our families, and future generations. It's essential as leaders that we choose to be part of the solution, to find clarity within the chaos, and begin working toward a shared vision of the future.

You have an opportunity to reinvent yourself as a leader. Now is a povotial time to tranform your organizations, support your community, and provide economic growth building hardy and resilient teams, organizations, and communities. Learn more about Dr. Janine Elias.   


Get Started Today!

6-Week Leadership Group Coaching Package:       Transformaitonal Leadership & Crisis Response

Bring Leadership Group Coaching to Your Teams Today!

Reduce Uncertainty, Build Hardy and Resilient Teams, Increase Employee Engagement, Provide Stability and Structure, Foster Transformational Leadership, & Build Determination