Why Elias Institute of Professional Coaching

We Are Dedicated to Your Success

The work you do not only provides for your family, it has the potential to give your life purpose and meaning when you thrive at your work. Currently, we are experiencing unique challenges with social changes, technological advances, and a shift in the workforce to knowledge workers.

It’s imperative, now more than ever, to shift your leadership style to meet the ever-changing demands on your leadership abilities.  We are here to support, encourage, and challenge you as you invest in yourself and tap into your ability to become more transformational in your leadership style.

We have designed our programs and services to meet your unique needs.

What Makes Us Different

Individual Attention

Intimate classes and instructors who care about their student’s success are the fabric of Elias Institute of Professional Coaching. Our instructors are engaging, knowledgeable, and committed to providing a supportive learning environment. Our class size is limited to foster individualized attention. This intimate learning environment fosters the development of coaching and leadership mastery, cultivates community, strong relationships, and a close network of professional connections.

Relevant and Experiential Learning

Our programs and course material is specifically designed to be relevant to emergent global leadership challenges presented in a format that easily transfers to the workplace.  To support your learning process we provide an experiential learning approach that extends beyond the confines of traditional training and course work. Layered within each course are foundational theories, industry best practices, and practice peer-to-peer coaching sessions with certified instructor feedback to support mastery. At Elias Institute of Professional Coaching, you’ll learn skills, knowledge, and techniques that easily transfer to your field. We believe a holistic approach to learning, fostering excellence, and innovation through practical application and hands-on learning are vital to personal and professional growth.

Creativity and Innovation

We live in an ever-changing global community where competition is fierce. It takes creativity and innovation when developing the foundation you need to form the habit of excellence. Life is a series of small steps that can lead to amazing creative innovations, at Elias Institute of Professional Coaching we provide a culture of support and challenge you to be more, do more, share more, and connect more. Our courses are designed to help you become more self-aware, gain personal clarity of what your vision is for your life and your future this process inspires creativity and innovation.

Coaching Mastery

We are leading the way in innovative coach training. We bring the best practices of theory and practical application to our training programs. Coaching is one of the fastest-growing fields that affords you the income and freedom to live a life of your own personal design while helping others to do the same. Being a coach is a powerful and rewarding experience as you become a witness to the life and experiences of another human being. You are part of their support network; you challenge them, encourage them, and inspire them to live a more actualized life. When you are called to do this work you are helping to make the world a better place one person at a time. We believe coaching is more than a profession, we believe coaching is a calling and this belief drives us each and every day to become the best in the world at what we do.

Culture of Community

Being part of something bigger than ourselves is inspiring and invigorating. Whether you have your own business or work within an organization you are building teams, fostering relationships and inspiring others to take action. These are all aspects of building community. Developing the skills to build strong communities is a vital part of the culture at Elias Institute of Professional Coaching.

Flexible Offerings

We recognize that you have many personal and professional commitments and it’s not possible to put life on hold while engaging in professional development. Therefore, we offer hybrid programs with both in person and distance courses that better fit your busy schedule while supporting the learning outcomes you need to succeed.

“I really liked the idea of transformational leadership and being able to coach my team but I was nervous about the whole process, I thought it would be hard to pull off. But Janine made it feel easy by breaking the process down into small simple actions!” Catherine S., VP