Organizational Wellness through Transformational Leadership Coach Certification

Our Flagship Professional Coaching Program: Includes the Crisis Response Coach Certification, Transformational Leadership Coach Certification, and Group Coach Certification and much more!


Science of Transformation
Foster Hardiness & Resilience
Event Dates
Coaching Packages
Professional Certification
Build Mastery

Complete Professional Coach Certification Package

Our flagship program Organizational Wellness through Transformational Leadership Coach Certification  is a combination of all of our coaching programs with additional advanced coaching courses to support your efforts in developing coaching mastery.

In this 150 hour coach specific training you’ll receive industry best practice knowledge and skills to preform professional individual and group coaching. You will train in the International Coach Federation (ICF) and the National Board of Health and Wellness Coaches (NBHWC) best practices and core coaching competencies.

You will be introduced to and experience the coaching relationship from the perspective of the coach and coachee.

To support the practical application of this course material we have woven three coaching specializations throughout the coach training content; organizational wellness, crisis response, and transformational leadership.

These specializations are designed to support you in establishing a private coaching practice as an external coach or to bring this content to your workplace to enhance your skill set within your current position or as an internal coach to foster a coaching culture that reduces workplace trauma and supports organizational wellness through transformational leadership.

Transformational Leadership has been recognized by West Point Academy as the most effective leadership style in building hardy and resilient teams, experiencing positive outcomes in times of crisis, and supporting innovation and creativity. (Bartone, 2006)

Give yourself a competitive advantage with a unique coaching specialization!

Your Program Structure

  • Enjoy the benefit of hybrid course content with self-paced lecture videos and live experiential learning and skill building session that are delivered virtually via Zoom with live instructors and students.
  • Courses are presented in module format with comprehensive certification programs and unique coaching specializations.
  • Transfer of training, our programs provide academically rigorous industry best practice and evidence based formal coach training with a specialized focus to support transfer of training and a competitive advantage. 
  • Crafted to support your busy lifestyle, our students gain access to self-paced groundbreaking course content and lecture videos, additional video course content is available as make-up content to allow for up to two missed live sessions, continued access to course content after course completion. 
  • Develop coaching and leadership mastery with peer-to-peer practice coaching and real-time feedback from your peers and skilled professionally certified coach instructors, both oral and written feedback. 
  • Mentor coaching to meet the ICF requirement for PCC level coaching credential. Experience seven hours of group mentor coaching practicum and three hours of individual mentor coaching. 
  • Additional elective courses to support the development of coaching mastery and build your coaching practice.



Getting Started

Select Your Module

Chose the module that is right for you to get started: Crisis Response Coach Certification (Module 1) or Transformational Leadership Coach Certification (Module 2).

If you’re undecided we are happy to chat with you about your personal interest and professional needs to assist you in making your selection.

This is a self-paced hybrid program tailored to meet the needs of your busy lifestyle. You can register for the entire flagship program or move through the program one module at a time.

Crisis Response Coach Certification

This program is uniquely designed to provide the tools and techniques to support government agencies, first responders,  educational institutions, and private industry in responding to a local or global crisis.

In addition, when parried with the Transformational Leadership Coaching program adds an additional layer to support building hardy and resilient teams, organizational wellness, innovation, and system reform.

Transformational Leadership Coach Certification

Professional coaching is the key to organizational success. The ability to effectively “coach” followers takes training and skill development to inspire, engage, motivate, and develop effective accountability structures to achieve desired results.

This is why coaching is so valuable in the workplace and one of the fastest growing professions, being recognized for added value in productivity, employee satisfaction, and organizational wellness in every industry where coaching has been applied.

The Transformational Leadership Coach Certification provides you with leadership development, formal coach training, and an easy to use four-step process to become more transformational in your leadership style.

Group Coaching Certification

Individual coaching is known for bringing added value to every industry where it has been applied. Group coaching has the ability to not only expand that value it also builds community, strengthens teams, and supports the development of hardiness and resilience.

Group coaching unites the individuals within the group with a shared focus or purpose. In addition, group coaching participants enjoy the benefit of added social support and additional expertise when paired with expert peers and much more.

 ***Prerequisite of 60 hr coach training and 100 hr of individual coaching.

Organizational Wellness through Transformational Leadership Coaching Certification

The workplace can be a source of comradery, collaboration, and self-actualization. Our work provides for our families and contributes to our communities. However, the workplace can also be a place of overwhelming stress, isolation, and discord. Our Organizational Wellness Coaching Foundations program is uniquely designed to provide the tools and training to transform the workplace.

How we care for our health impacts every aspect of our life. Our individual health dictates our mood, energy level, ability to concentrate, and manage stress. Organizational wellness is equally important. Enjoy a systems approach to how our overall well-being is tied to our individual health and how our environment plays a direct role in our well-being.

Get Started with a Unique  Specialization

Choose your first module: Crsis Response Coach Certification or Transformaitonal Leadership specialization.


Mentor Coaching

Enjoy the support of like-minded professionals as you build coaching mastery and grow your coaching practice.

Expand Your Services with Groups

Bring added value to your community and grow your practice with group coaching programs.

Organizational Wellness

Build hardy and resilient teams, navigate system reform, foster your organizational wellness through transformational leadership.

The ONLY Program of its Kind in the World!

Uniquely Designed to Support System Reform and Organizational  Wellness

Detailed Description of Program Structure 

Our Flagship program Organizational Wellness through Transformational Leadership contains all three of our coach certification program, additional advanced course work, and mentor coaching. 

Below is a breakdown of the course structure, you can also visit each certification page for additional information and unique program benefits with start dates and times.

There are coaching foundation courses that are part of both of our main coach certification program (CRC and TLC). Once you complete the foundational course you enter into the specialization tract courses either Crisis Response or Transformational Leadership.

Since this program includes both of these program you will pick one to begin with depending on your interests and professional goals. After you have completed your first specialization tract you may enter into the second specialization tract.

Once you have attended 60 hours of the specialized coach certification program and conducted 100 hours of individual coaching you will be eligible to attend the Group Coaching Certification. After you have completed the three certifications CRC, TLC, and GCC you will take your advanced course.

This program can be completed in as little as a year or you can complete it at your own pace. To provide you with flexibility that matches your lifestyle you can register for the program once certification at a time or you can fast track your training experience by registering for the complete Organizational Wellness through Transformational Leadership Coach Certification program.

 Course Content Outline 

Coaching Foundations

  • Coaching foundations: skills, techniques, and practice
  • Transformational leadership and coaching
  • Using assessments in coaching
  • Coaching to foster motivation
  • Coaching for Transfer of Training: Building a Coaching Culture
  • Build a thriving coaching practice (internal or external).
  • Coaching to Build Hardiness and Resilience
  • Coaching Competency Practicum & Feedback

Specialization Tract: Transformational Leadership

  • Principle centered leadership and coaching
  • Coaching to build bridges & Managing Up
  • Brief Coaching Techniques & Managerial Coaching
  • Coaching to develop emerging leaders
  • Appreciative Inquiry (AI) Coaching: designing and implementing change initiatives
  • Coaching for System Reform
  • Coaching to build cohesive teams
  • Internal Coaching: Building a Coaching Culture

Group Coaching Certification

  • Group Coaching Foundations
  • Using Assessments in Group Coaching
  • Group Coaching for Nonclinical Trauma Reduction
  • Coaching Virtual Social Support Groups Webinar
  • Group Dynamics and Group Coaching 
  • Group Coaching Practicum and Feedback
  • Transformational Leadership and Crisis Response Group Coaching

Specialization Tract: Crisis Response Coach

  • Community Outreach and Crisis Response
  • Coaching for Nonclinical Trauma Reduction
  • Tactical Coaching for local and global Crisis Response
  • Tactical Group Coaching for Crisis Response
  • Wellness Coaching for crisis response
  • Stress Reduction & Sleep Hygiene
  • Physical Health and Wellness Chronic Disease
  • Health Behaviors: Social & Behavioral Risk Factors
  • Preparing for the Health and Wellness Exam

Assessments & Video Series

Three Assessments

Assessments are powerful tools to implement within the coaching relationship. To experience this first hand you will receive the Hardiness Resilience Gauge (HRG), Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ), and Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). 

Best Practice Video Series

This video series provides you with academically rigorous theory and industry best practice tools, techniques, and principles to develop mastery. Each course is accompanied by a custom video series broken into 20 or 30 min segments uniquely designed to fit your busy lifestyle.

Program Structured Delivery and Time Commitments

  • Length of Training
    • Can be completed in as little as 52 Weeks for fast track. 
  • Delivery of Training
    • Virtual Live Weekly Course, Video Series, Experiential Learning Assignments – Practical Application Hands on Learning.
  • Experiential Course Work
    • Practice: Brief Coaching, Laser Coaching, Community Outreach, Dissemination of Non-Clinical Trauma Reduction
  • Building Coaching Skills
    • Students will expeirence peer-to-peer coaching as both coach and coachee
  • Approximately 6 – 8 Hours Per Week
    • Two-hour live virtual session twice a week course, video series weekly videos 30-60 min videos each week, interactive group assignments, plus bonus events

Program Schedule: Dates and Times

**All Program Dates are in Pacific Standard Time

  • Day & Time Live Class Meets
    • Class time and dates vary based on specialization track. Visit specialization page for summer registration.
  • Dates of Course
    • Each certification will list exact dates including holidays (days when there is not class).
  • Must Attend EVERY Class Session
    • This program is designed to met the professional association standards of ICF, NBHWC, CAMFT, & SHRM. All professional associations require complete attendance.  ***If you miss any live class you will be required to make up the time missed. 

Happy Students

“I’m blown away at how piratical the matterial is, how simple it is to apply to the work I am already doing, and how much I have grown as a leader.”

“I had been considering become a professional coach for more years than I can count, when I found this program I knew it was the perfect fit for me. For the first time in years, I’m excited about my work and the future is bright. “

“I’ve taken other coach certification programs, they were interesting but they didn’t compare to the pratical skills I’ve developed through this program. I now feel more confident as a coach and have a waiting list of clients who want to work with me. Thank you Dr. Elias for giving me the tools I needed to transfrom my coaching pratice!”

Choosing Your Program

Begin with a single module or register for the entire program.

(818) 888-0191

Whether you are ready to enroll in one of the upcoming programs or have a few more questions, one of our helpful team members are here to help with the next steps. Let us know how we can help.