The First Wedensday of Each Month

FREE LIVE Monthly Continuing Education

Enjoy the Opportunity to Mingle with Your Peers While You Develop Coaching and Leadership Mastery!  Register Below to Gain Access to YOUR FREE Monthly Hour of Professional Development.

*** This is our gift to you when you attend the live events. 

Scroll Down for More Details


Enjoy an Hour of Professional Development

We are delighted to support you as you meet your personal and professional development needs.

Enjoy the benefit of our FREE LIVE Monthly Professional Development.

We Meet Once a Month on the 1st Wednesday of Each Month. *** Dates and times may change around Holidays


10 January 2024

Keystone Habits & Goal Setting

  • List 3 biggest mistakes coaches make when helping clients set goals. 
  • Identify three most impactful keystone habits in effecting long-term change.
  • Discuss the best kept secret in how to form new habits and much more!

7 February 2024

Designing Transformational Coaching Programs 

  • Designing Program Structure: How do you work with your clients?
  • Developing Program Content: What will your clients experience while working with you?
  • Launching Your Coaching Programs: It’s time to fill your programs!

6 March 2024

Group Coaching Certification

  • List 3 biggest mistakes coaches make when adding group coaching.
  • Identify three ways to build participant engagement with virtual group coaching.
  • Discuss the importance to a having barrier to entry into your group and much more!

3 April 2024

Supporting First Responders

  • The emotional impact of prolonged arousal in high stress environments. 
  • Two things you need to know when coaching first responders.
  • Building trust in a closed system and much more!

1 May 2024

Workplace Wellness 

  • Discuss how your work influences your overall wellness
  • Describe the impact of leadership on workplace wellness
  • Identify why managing up reduces stress and much more!

5 June 2024

Stress Mgt & Resiliency Coach Certification 

  • Identify the 3 ways to manage the number 1 cause of stress. 
  • List the 3 types of stressors. 
  • Discuss how to use stress to achieve your goals.
  • Learn about our upcoming fall lineup of courses and much more!

Your FREE Monthly Professional Development

Scroll Down to Register

10 July 2024

Evergreen Group Coaching 

  • List 4 characteristics of an evergreen coaching program.
  • Identify 5 steps in designing an evergreen coaching program.
  • Discuss the impact of program design on pricing evergreen coaching packages.

7 August 2024

Coaching to Build Essential Skills 

  • Essential Skills,  play a pivotal role in fostering social connections and building unyielding resilience.
  • Identify 3 ways emotional intelligence can suffer setbacks in high stress situations.
  • Implement three steps, to cultivate emotional intelligence to support your clients to thrive.

4 September 2024

Keystone Habits & Coaching 

  • Describe keystone habits.
  • 3 step method for identifying most effective keystone habits in goal setting.
  • Unlock your potential with the power of keystone habits and expert coaching.

2 October 2024

Coaching for Transfer of Training

  • List the three barriers to training implementation
  • Identify three steps to to increase transfer of training.
  • Implement 4 step leadership model to increase transfer of training.

6 November 2024

Workplace Wellness 

  • List 2 steps to improved wellness in high stress environment. 
  • Describe 4 leadership steps to increase workplace wellness
  • Implement coaching model to improve workplace wellness and much more!

4 December 2024

Goal Setting in High Stress Situations

  • Describe high stress situation
  • Implement 3 steps to set goals in high stress situations.
  • Identify social support and accountability tools for high stress situations.

Coming Soon - Get Access to the Event Recordings

We know you can’t always attend the live event, you have been asking for access to the recordings and the ability to listen to the events again and again to truly absorb the content.

May 3rd we will be releasing how you can access your

All Access Pass to You Monthly Professional Development Greatest Hits.