Design coaching programs for your clients that transform.

Having clearly defined coaching programs and packages helps you manage client expectations, streamlines the sales conversation, and improves client outcomes.


I'm Ready to Get Started

Develop Clearly Defined Coaching Programs and Client Packages

  • Coaches who want to bring added value to their client experience.
  • Coaches who want to increase client success through clearly defined path toward transformation assisting their clients in achieving their most important goals.
  • Mental health professionals and coaches who want to enhance their practice with client education and structured practical application toward wellness outcomes.
  • Coaches and mental health professionals who are adding group coaching packages to their practice.
  • Professionals who are ready to serve more clients and grow their practice.

Enjoy the Benefits of Hybrid Learning 

  • Program Details 
    • 6 Weeks – 2.5 Hours Per Week
    • 11 Hours total Continuing Education (5hr video series, 6 hrs live training).
    • 7.5 Hours of Group Coaching
    • 1 Hour Individual Coaching Session
  • Delivery of Training
    • Virtual Live Weekly Course, Video Series, Experiential Learning Assignments – Practical Application Hands on Learning.
  • Experiential Course Work
    • Design course structure content, develop program content, practice sales presentation, and design program launch sequence.
  • Construct Personalized Transformational Coaching Programs. 
    • Develop unique signature coaching program. Individual package, group package, or hybrid designs.
  • Approximately 6 – 8 Hours Per Week Time Commitment 
    • 2.5 live virtual session once a week (1 hour training 1.15 hour group coaching, 15 min break), video series weekly videos 30-60 min videos each week, interactive group assignments, group coaching.

Enjoy the Benefits of Peer Support 

This program comes with 6 Weeks of Group Coaching to support you in designing your unique signature program. 

  • Activate your creative process in a program filled with likeminded peers.
  • Share ideas, explore challenges, and enjoy added accountability to support you as you develop your unique signature programs.
  • Practice your information session with your group and receive peer-to-peer feedback and certified instructor feedback on the clarity of your program outcomes to support you as you share your new program offerings with your tribe. 

***Information session is a sales session you have with potential clients to invite them to attend your program or work with you as a coach.

As a Graduate of this Program You Will:


Design Your Signature Program


Identify Client Learning Objectives


Fill Program with Relevant Content


Establish Protocol to Move Your Client Toward learning Program Outcomes.


Develop & Practice Your Sales Presentation


Establish Structure of Your Signature Program


Selecting Your Signature Program Content


List Industry Best Practices for Adult Learning


Describe a Three Step Process to Identify the Clients You are Meant to Serve


Plan the 3 Steps of a Program Launch Cycle

Enjoy the Added Benefit of a Two Part Program:


Designing Transformational Coaching Programs

This is the professional development and training component of the program, providing course content, continuing education, and structured feedback.


Experience Group Coaching as the Coachee

Participate in group coaching for practical application of the course content. Provide and receive peer to peer support, accountability partners, thought partners, and receive and give structured feedback in designing your signature coaching program.

Experience the Added Value of TWO Additional Bonus Courses &  Individual Coaching Session


Narrowing Your Niche ($249 Value)

Having a clearly defined niche helps you to identify the best products and services to provide the clients you are meant to serve, helps streamline your marketing, simplify your sales cycle and so much more!


Designing Transformational Presentations ($299)

Designing Transformational Presentations helps you to clarify your program learning outcomes and objectives, share your vision for your transformational programs, practice crafting your compelling offer and so much more!


Individual Coaching Session ($375 Value)

Before entering into the program you will experience a 1:1 coaching session with Dr. Janine Elias to help you clarify what your unique gifts are that you bring to your coaching practice, leverage your past successes toward identify your unique specilization, and develop an individulized action plan for implementation throughout the 6 week intensive.  

The Why Behind the Program

Coaching is a client-based experience, having a structured format as a foundation to the coach-coachee relationship can streamline the clients experience toward achieving their desired outcomes. 

Having a structured foundation to put a fence around the coaching relationship:

  • Provides stability for both the coach and the client.
  • Supports the coach in effectively managing client expectations within the coaching relationship.
  • Supports the coach in building mastery of their selected specialization.

In this program you are doing more than building your program, you are clarifying your services, identifying your professional boundaries as a practitioner, and providing a quality service for your perspective clients.

In turn, building credibility for the industry of professional coaching.

Course Approved for Continuing Education:

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Two Start Dates to Choose From:

Ready To Get Started?