Coaching LA Wildfires: Emotional Recovery for Crisis Response

Phase II: Strengthen – Emotional Recovery Strategies

Taking a trauma-informed nonclinical coaching approach to Emotional Recovery for Crisis Response.

Psychological theory informs us that there are global symptoms commonly experienced when responding to a crisis event that can naturally dissipate over time, however with prolonged and repeated exposure to ongoing trauma stimuli and crisis response these symptoms don’t always naturally dissipate. We can feel “stuck” navigating the recovery process.

In Phase II we take an in-depth look at effective coping strategies, exploring secondary trauma, survivors guilt, and how we make sence of and attach meaning to our experience impacts our emotional recovery process.

Clear and Strategic Steps to Mitigate the Negative Impact of Crisis Response

12 Week Group Coaching Program: Cognitive Approach to Emotional Recovery 

How you interpret your experiences, make sense and attach meaning to them, significantly impacts your emotional and physical recovery to trauma. We often don’t consider how much our thoughts impact our feelings and decision making process as they seem to happen instantly. In this program we will explore how your cognitive processes, physiological responses, belief system or world view, use of language (global statements: always, all, everyone, never) and communication style impact your recovery process and global wellness. In Phase II we take a pragmatic proactive approach, “an ounce of prevention” toward your emotional recovery. 

***Delivered to first responders in three different cohorts differentiating rank into separate groups to allow for open dialogue among peers facing similar challenges while providing appropriate leadership support for all categories of their assignments.

Taking a Coaching & Leadership Approach to Emotional Recovery

This 12 Week Group Coaching program takes an in-depth look at effective coping strategies, exploring secondary trauma, survivors guilt, the impact of taking personal responsibility for things you have no control over has on your emotional recovery and level of hardiness. Participants identify opportunities for peer and social support, build communication skills, and cultivate leadership skills that foster resilience, fortitude, and a clear, forward-thinking vision.

During this Group Coaching & Training Program You Will:


Course Outcomes

Unpacking the Cognitive Process

Discuss the impact of trauma and prolonged stress has on thinking and cognitive process such as attention, memory, language, learning, and problem solving.

Measurable Outcomes for Emotional Recovery

Use the 3C’s of hardiness to mitigate cognitive distortions caused by trauma exposure and prolonged stressors. Identify short and long-term action steps to build hardiness and manage stress using the Hardiness Resiliency Gauge (HRG) and the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) assessments.

Physical Response to Trauma

Recognize the physical responses to trauma and prolonged stressors. Identify positive coping strategies.

Peer-to-Peer Formal Coaching Foundations

Implement a 4 Step coaching process for peer-to-peer support identifying action steps, explore options for implementation, uncover potential obstacles, establish short and long-term tactical solutions.

Meaning & Community Engagement

It is through our human connections that we experience the greatest opportunity for joy. Reconnect with the joy behind your work, being of service, and supporting your community in meaningful ways.  

Forward-Thinking Vision, Social Support, Building Trust In the Face of Disaster

Devastating disasters can destabilize our world view, shatter our feelings of trust and safety, and leave us feeling hopeless and helpless. Identify a clear path back building a positive future. 

Secondary Trauma & Survivors Guilt

Hardiness has a direct correlation to resiliency and ebbs and flows over time and is impacted by how we perceive our experiences. Apply the 3C’s of hardiness to reduce the negative impact of secondary trauma and mitigate survivors guilt. 

Structured Feedback within a Group Setting

Skill Building: provide structured step-by-step feedback to build bridges, manage expectations, and strengthen relationships.

Bring Group Coaching to Your Department to Provide Proactive Support with an Emphasis on Resiliency Leadership & Organizational Wellness

Reduce Uncertainty, Build Hardy and Resilient Teams, Increase Employee & Community Engagement, Provide Stability and Structure, Foster Resiliency Leadership, & Build Determination


Tools You Will Recieve When You Attend the LIVE Event:

Comprehensive Student Manual

Comprehensive student manual filled with tips, tools, guides, and program overview to support ongoing implementation of program materials.

Recommended Reading List

Provide your teams with a recommended reading list filled with resources to use within the 12-Week Group Coaching Process while also providing ongoing support. 

Strategies for Emotional Recovery Tool Kit

This comprehensive tool kit comes with handouts, books, and a structured protocol to manage stress, improve hardiness, and foster resilience with tactical solutions for emotional recovery. 

Tips for Ongoing Peer-to-Peer Support

A key factor to positive outcomes and reducing the negative impact of traum is social support.

Cognitive Approach to Emotional Recovery Group Coaching & Training Program

Course Outline – Within this 12 Week Program You Will Attend:


Introduction to Cognitive Processing Theory & Getting Unstuck


Theory & Practice of Nonclinical Trauma Reduction


Resiliency Leadership Taking a Coach Approach


Importance of Sleep in Trauma & Stress Reduction


Coping Strategies for Identifying and Navigating Secondary Trauma


Coaching Techniques to Reduce the Negative Impact of Prolonged Trauma Exposure


Coaching Techniques for Cognitive, Behavioral, and Physical Impact of Prolonged Stress


Goal Setting in High Stress Environment


Apply the 3C's of Hardiness in Greif Recovery


4 Steps to Becoming More Transformational In Your Leadership Style

Enjoy the Benefits of a Hybrid Structure


Live Weekly Experiential Learning

Practical hands on weekly sessions to unpack your OnDemand video series, pratice skill building, stress management, and designing actions. Industry best pratices specificlly designed to support implemtation of course work.  Enjoy certified instructor real-time oral and written feedback and peer-to-peer coaching and mastermind sessions.


Video Series 12 Hours

This video series provides you with academically rigorous theory and industry best practice tools, techniques, and principles to develop resiliency. Each course is accompanied by a custom video series broken into 20 or 30 min segments uniquely designed to fit your busy lifestyle.


Assessments are powerful tools to identify tactical applicaitons of positive coping action steps and can be a guide to short and long-term planing for stress management and resiliency building. To support positive outcomes you’ll receive the Hardiness Resilience Gauge (HRG) and Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) with your attendance in the program upon entry and program completion.

Program Structured Delivery and Time Commitments

  • Length of Training
  • 12 Week Program Incudes: 1:1 coaching session prior to start date, group sessions for 6 weeks with a one week break (wihin the break participants will recieve a 15-20 min 1:1 coaching session for ongoing customization of the program content to meet the needs of the progrm participants), resuming for 6 weeks. Upon completion of the program there is a additional 15-20 min 1:1 coaching session to share results of second round of assessments with recommensations for ongoing support.
  • Delivery of Training Options Virtual and In-Person
  • Virtual Live Weekly Course, Video Series, Experiential Learning Assignments – Practical Application Hands on Learning.
  • In-person sessions, we come to your department or you come to a designated location.
  • Experiential Course Work
  • Practice: Brief Coaching, Laser Coaching, Peer Coaching
  • Approximately 3 – 6 Hours Per Week
  • 90 min live virtual session once a week, video series weekly videos 30-60 min videos each week, interactive group assignments.

Program Schedule: Dates and Times

**All Program Dates are in Pacific Standard Time

  • Day & Time Live Class Meets (Via Zoom)
    • Thursday 10:00 am – 11:30am PST
  • Dates of Course
    • Start Date April 3, 2025
    • Complete dates April 3, 10, 17, 24, May 1, 8, 22, 29 June 5, 12, 19, 26 
    • No Class: May 15, 2025
  • Attendance is Critical to Recovery Process
    • To experience the benefits of peer support, mastermind solutions, and ongoing resiliency planning attending and active participation is essential to positive outcomes.
  • For More Date’s & Times for Multiple Cohorts 
    • Schedule a Chat with Dr. Janine
  • If you would like to host events at your location or register 5 or more participants from your agency 
    • Scheule a Chat with Dr. Janine

Register Today!

For Added Value Pair this Program with Phase II & III of Emotional Recovery for Crisis Response

I enjoyed the openness of communication most, and the dialogue with my coach and my peers during our group coaching sessions.  I also continue to enjoy the increased communication that took place between my officers and I as a result of this program.” 

Chief Michael Davison

Chesterfield Twp Police Dept., NJ