Stress Management & Resiliency Coach Certification

12 Weeks 30 hrs + 18rs. Group Coaching 

This uniquely crafted program utilizes formal coaching techniques to support coaches, educators, first responders, and mental health professionals to guide clients in managing stress, identifying and implementing appropriate behavioral change initiatives, and reducing clinical burnout while building hardiness and resiliency.

Level - Intermediate

***Prerequisite of Coach Training Business Solutions or 60hrs. ICF or NBHWC coach specific training.

Fall Semester October 28, 2024

Small class size to provide individualized support in helping you to bring the content and techniques to your clients and workplace.

Effective Stress Management Supports Improved Mental Health & Organizational Wellness

You spend more time in work related activities than any other area of your life. This increases the likelihood that you will experience work related stressors that lead to a trauma response that can have a negative impact on your wellness, relationships, and quality of life.

Workplace Stress

According to the American Institute of Stress, 80% of workers are experiencing increased levels of job stress. The main identifier of being or feeling stressed is tied to the level of control the individual feels in their ability to perform their job or to influence their environment. These increased stress levels have been associated with increased rates of heart attack, hypertension, and other disorders. In New York, Los Angels and other municipalities, the relationship between job stress and heart attacks is so well acknowledged, that any police officer who suffers a coronary event on or off the job is assumed to have a work-related injury and is compensated accordingly (including heart attack sustained while fishing on vacation or gambling in Las Vegas) 2023.”

Americans Felt Stress Past Month


Report Work Related Stress

Stress Impacts Physical Health


Stress Impacts Mental Health

Stress is a highly personalized phenomenon and can vary widely even in identical situations for different reasons.


– The Key Factor to Feeling Stressed is Tied to Your Perception of Control.

Our Stress Management & Resiliency Coach Certification Program Utilizes the 3C’s of Hardiness (Challenge, Control, Commitment) to Build Resiliency while Identifying Ways to Use Stress to Achieve Your Goals and so Much More!

Managing Stressors to Build Hardiness and Resiliency

 Stress Management and Resiliency Coach certification is a 30-hour coach specific training program, with an emphasis on stress management, anxiety reduction, nonclinical trauma reduction techniques, and behavioral change to support the development of hardiness and resiliency.

This uniquely crafted program utilizes formal coaching techniques to support coaches, educators, first responders, and mental health professionals to guide clients in managing stress, identifying and implementing appropriate behavioral change initiatives, and reducing clinical burnout while building hardiness and resiliency.

Our coach training and course materials are specifically designed to be relevant to global challenges presented in a format that easily transfers to the workplace.

To support your learning process, we provide an experiential learning approach that extends beyond the confines of traditional training. Layered within each course and program materials are foundational theories, industry best practices, and interactive exercises to support mastery.

Provided in an environment to sustain skill development and increased knowledge base with techniques that easily transfer to your career and organizational needs.

We believe a holistic approach to learning, fostering self-reflection, critical thinking, emotional intelligence, excellence, and innovation through practical application and hands-on learning are vital to personal and professional growth.

12 Week Certification Program is Broken Into Level 1 & Level 2 Each Level is a 6 Week Segment 


Level 1 Course Outline


Coaching to Build Hardiness & Resiliency Level 1


Coaching for Nonclinical Trauma Reduction


Tactical Coaching Techniques to Increase Client Engagement on a Virtual Platform


Coaching for Goal Setting Coping Strategies in High Stress Situations


Coping Strategies for Identifying and Navigating Secondary Trauma


Coaching Techniques to Reduce the Negative Impact of Prolonged Negative Stressors


Level 2 Course Outline


Coaching to Build Hardiness and Resiliency Level 2


Importance of Sleep in Trauma Reduction


Clinical Burnout & Nonclinical Intervention Coaching Techniques


Coping Strategies for Identifying and Navigating Secondary Trauma for Coaches


Sleep Hygiene Coaching Techniques


Coaching Techniques for Cognitive, Behavioral, and Physical Impact of Prolonged Stress


Coaching for Goal Setting & Client Motivation in High Stress Situations


Coaching Competency Practicum & Feedback


What Our Students Say

This program is amazing! I view stress from a completely different lens. I feel more in control and empowered by my ability to manage stress and support my clients in using stress to achieve their most important goals. This is a MUST take program!

Christy Kline

Lifestyle Coach

Before attending this course I didn’t realize how much our personal perceptions impact our stress levels and how we cope with overwhelming situations. It had never occurred to me that I could use stress in positive ways. This program is a game changer!

Mike Whittaker

Leadership Coach

Bring Stress Management & Resiliency Coaching to Your Organization Provide Proactive Support 

Build Hardy and Resilient Teams, Increase Employee Engagement, Provide Stability and Structure, Use Stress to Achieve Goals & Build Determination


Tools You Will Recieve Within the Program:

Student Manual

This student manual is designed to provide supporting material for the course program and the ongoing implementation of course content into the workplace to support transfer of training and program utilization.

Recommended Reading List

Provide your tribe with a recommended reading list filled with resources to use throughout the 12-Week Stress Management and Resiliency Coaching Process. 

Powerful Questions Guide

A guide to ask your participants powerful questions to foster engagement and innovative ideas toward goal actualization, navigate high stress situations and build hardiness and resiliency. 

Professional Stress Management and Resiliency Coach Certification

Professional Certification provides a competitive advantage. Enjoy both professional certification and a specialized niche with an emphasis on stress management and building hardy and resilient teams.

Enjoy the Benefits of a Hybrid Structure


Live Weekly Experiential Learning

Practical hands on weekly sessions to unpack your video lecture series, pratice skill building, and deepen your coaching knowledge. Industry best pratices specificlly designed to support implemtation of course work.  Enjoy certified instructor real-time oral and written feedback and peer-to-peer coaching and mastermind sessions.


In-Depth Video Series

This video series provides you with academically rigorous theory and industry best practice tools, techniques, and principles to develop mastery. Each course is accompanied by a custom video series broken into 20 or 30 min segments uniquely designed to fit your busy lifestyle.

Level I & II Program Structured Delivery and Time Commitments

  • Length of Training
  • 12 Weeks
  • Delivery of Training
  • Virtual Live Weekly Course, Video Series, Experiential Learning Assignments – Practical Application Hands on Learning.
  • Experiential Course Work
  • Practice: Brief Coaching, Laser Coaching, Stress Management & Resiliency Coaching
  • Approximately 4 – 6 Hours Per Week
  • Two-hour live virtual session once a week, video series weekly videos 30-60 min videos each week, interactive group assignments.

Program Schedule: Dates and Times

**All Program Dates are in Pacific Standard Time

  • Day & Time Live Class Meets (Via Zoom)
    • Monday’s 12pm – 1:30pm PST
  • Program Dates 
    • 12 Week Program: October 28, 2024 12pm-1:30pm PST
      Complete Dates:  Oct 28, Nov 4, 11, 18, Dec 2, 9, 16, 2024 Jan 6,13, 20, 27, Feb 3, 2025
      Mid Program Break: Nov 25 Dec 20 & 30 (holiday)
  • Must Attend Live Class Session
    • This program meets the professional association standards of NBHWC, CAMFT, ICF & SHRM. All professional associations require complete attendance.

Program Approved: 

***Program part of an ICF approved Level 2 Coach Certification program Module 3 of the Master Resiliency Leadership and Organizational Wellness Coach Certification  ICF.