Solutions for Organizations

Transformation Begins with a Coaching Culture

We offer custom training programs for internal coaches seeking ICF credentials, as well as programs for leaders in organizations looking to add coaching and transformational leadership skills to their competency set.

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Training Solutions

Elias Institute of Professional Coaching provides academically rigorous theory and industry best practices paired with unique coaching techniques and skill-building grounded in experiential learning with a delivery method that is designed for clear and direct implementation of program content, coaching knowledge, skills, and abilities.

Select one of our current programs and we will tailor it to meet the unique needs of your organization. Or request a custom program designed specifically to your organization and industry specifications.


Leadership Development

Executive coaching is key to organizational success. Walk into any office around the world and you will hear presidents and CEO’s directing their leaders to “coach” their followers on a verity of topics. The problem is, most leaders (including presidents and CEO’s) do not have “formal coach training.”  They are being asked to do something they have never been trained to do, as though it is as easy as breathing.

The reality is, having the ability to effectively “coach” followers takes training and skill development to inspire, engage, motivate, and develop effective accountability structures to achieve desired results.

Training Solutions, Professional Coach Certification, and Leadership Coaching Packages

We combine specialized professional development with formal coach training to give you a competitive advantage!

Reduce Trauma

Increase Employee Engagement & Satisfaction

The unfortunate truth is that we are more likely to experience trauma in the workplace than any other activity we participate in. Untreated trauma can lead to frustration, overwhelm, clinical burnout, workplace violence, and mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression, panic attacks, phobias and addiction. In addition, workplace trauma contributes to workplace injury, low productivity, absenteeism, theft, quiet quitting, and high employee turnover. Workplace trauma is tied directly to ineffective or bad leadership. The solution is transformational leadership.

Bottom Line

Save time & Resources

For Leaders & Internal Coaches: Leaders require continuous learning to grow as a leader, formal coach training improves leadership effectiveness. We combine transformational leadership development with formal coach training making our coach training programs twice as effective and more likely to transfer into the workplace.


Provide Real-World Application

We are dedicated to providing training programs that are relevant to global challenges and that can be readily applied within the workplace and easily transferred to daily activities. Our programs are uniquely designed to build hardiness, increase employee egagement, and reduce workplace stress while fostering a coaching culture.

Maintaining Relevance in a Diverse Market

Career Advancement & Overall Benefits for the Organization

Formal coach training,  specifically professional coach certification, provides a competitive advantage for career advancement, opens new career paths, and our Crisis Response Coach, Stress Mgt & Resiliency Coach, Group Coach, Transformational Leadership Coach, and Organizational Wellness through Transformational Leadership Coach Certification provides a specialization for senior-level leaders, HR professionals, and internal coaches.

Having leaders and internal coaches that have formal coach training and professional certification provides extraordinary benefits for the organization in increased employee satisfaction, improved performance, reduce workplace trauma, and increase employee retention.

Internal coaches and transformational leaders with formal coach training fosters a coaching culture of leaders developing the next generation of leaders.