Hardiness Resilience Gauge (HRG) Certification

Building Hardy, More Resilient Communities, Leaders, and Teams

In our wildest dreams, we could have never imagined what we are experiencing today with an ongoing global pandemic, the great Resignation, Quiet Quitting, and a call for social justice. Now more than ever it is imperative that we become more resilient and build our hardiness to navigate these unprecedented times of uncertainty and unpredictable levels of change.

Becoming certified in administering the Hardiness and Resilience Gauge (HRG) will not only bring a valuable tool to your work it will provide a vital community service in coping with this global pandemic.


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Become Certified to Administer the Hardiness Resiliency Gauge (HRG)

  • Coaches who want to bring added value to their client experience through building hardy and resilient clients.
  • Coaches who want to use the HRG to guide their clients in designing actions and goal setting that will assist the client in making stress work for them in achieving their most important goals.
  • Coaches and consultants that want to provide a tangible tool to evaluate and measure client outcomes in relation to the services you provide as a coach or consultant.
  • Mental health professionals who want to build hardiness and resilience within your clients. 
  • HR professional who want to support hardiness and resilience within your organization. 
  • Professionals who want to tailor your practice around a tool to build hardiness and resilience. 

Enjoy the Benefits that MHS Brings to the Table.

A leading publisher of scientifically validated assessments for more than 30 years, Multi-Health Systems Inc. (MHS) serves clients in educational, clinical, corporate, public safety, government, military, pharmaceutical, and research settings.

MHS has grown to become an international company with products sold in more than 75 countries and translated into over 50 languages. With offices in North America and partners around the world, MHS is dedicated to strong product growth, an optimal user experience, and being digitally and globally driven.

MHS Assessments are used in a wide range of critical decision-making processes. The clinical tools are trusted to inform psychological diagnoses that can impact prescribed medication, therapy, or treatment programs for children and adults. In the workplace, MHS Talent Assessments help inform hiring decisions, develop staff, and improve organization and team dynamics.

They partner with you once you complete your HRG Certification, you will receive an account with MHS to administer assessments, house your reports, and receive marking support as you use the HRG assessment with your current client base or as a tool to expand your business. You will experience all of these benefits of professional development while you provide a valuable services to your communities by helping others become more hardy and resilient individuals, leaders, and teams.

  • Receive your FREE account with Multi-Health Services (MHS).
  • MHS provides an assessments portal complete with an online forum for administering and housing your clients results.
  • MHS provide the assessments, but they do not provide the certification to administer the assessments, instead, MHS partners with Elias Institute of Professional Coaches to provide you the certification and training required to successfully administer and debrief individuals and groups on the HRG report.
  • Once you become certified, you are certified for life, there are no additional requirements or fees to maintain your certification.

Bring Added Value to Your Practice with the HRG Assessment:

  • Here at Elias Institute of Professional Coaching, we add an additional layer to your HRG Certification training.
  • Not only do we give you the fundamentals to successfully administer and debrief the HRG Report with your clients, in addition, we add formal coaching techniques for short and long term coaching using the report as your guide.
  • The HRG has the potential to predict negative long term impacts of ongoing stress identifying emotional and physical impact that can be avoided by designing actions and goal setting to build hardiness and resilience.
  • Using the HRG in your practice can strengthen your practice and provide added value to your existing services.
  • In fact, you could base your entire practice on building hardiness and resilience while reducing stress in an unlimited number of industries! 
  • MHS establishes course tuition and training protocol which consists of 90 minutes of course content, three brief videos, done for you PowerPoint to use with groups and market your services, brochures and flyers, and taking the HRG and receiving your assessment results.
  • Here at Elias Institute of Professional Coaching, we add an additional layer to your HRG Certification training, with an addtional 90 minutes of bonus content making your total HRG Certification training a total of 3 hours, at no additional cost.
  • Not only do we give you the fundamentals to successfully administer and debrief the HRG Report with your clients, in addition, we add formal coaching techniques for short and long term coaching using the report as your guide.
  • Thus, strengthen your practice and providing added value to your existing services.
  • This is a hybrid program with 1 hour of video industry best practice content and 2 hour live course content.
  • In fact, you could base your entire practice on building hardiness and resilience while reducing stress in an unlimited number of industries! 
  • We’ve added a second option with an addition 7 hours of intense training for a total of 10 hours to support you in using the HRG for stress management, building resiliency, and adding extraordinary benefit to your clients as you fill your coaching and consulting practice. More details listed below!
Grounded in 30 Years of Research

The Hardiness Resilience Gauge is focused on the 3 – C’s Challenge, Control, and Commitment

Individuals high in hardiness view Challenge as a growth opportunity, have the ability to differentiate the things they can’t Control from the areas of their life they can influence, and see the world and their personal contribution as meaningful and interesting better equipping them to manage stress and navigate change.

Use the HRG with individuals, groups, or within the workplace to help build stronger more resilient individuals, leaders, and teams.

The 3C's

Challenge: Seeing change and new experiences as exciting opportunities to learn and develop.

Control: Belief in one’s ability to control or influence events and outcomes. Knowing what they do matters.

Commitment: A tendency to see the world and day-to-day activities as interesting, meaningful, and having purpose.

Certification HRG

Certification in the Hardiness Resilience Gauge (HRG) assessment means you can administer and debrief the HRG with individual leaders in one-on-one coaching settings, or work with groups in interactive training.

Certification will prepare you to be successful in serving your community, supporting your employees, or growing your practice.

The Certification Program includes detailed information, done for you PowerPoints and scripts that guide you through the process.

Get the HRG Certification: experience personalized training in a one-on-one coaching setting or learn with a group of your peers within a group training this is the protocol established by Multi Health Systems (MHS) the creators of the assessment. 

What’s Included

Ability to Administer to the Hardiness Resilience Gauge.

An online curriculum that enables you to complete your entire certification from the comfort of your home or office.

Personal experience of taking the assessment yourself and getting detailed feedback from an experienced coach.

Presentation tools complete with a facilitator guide, slide presentation, and other resources that enable you to conduct a workshop.

A free online account with Multi-Health Service (MHS) where you can use the product with your clients or employees.

Assessment protocol debriefing and best practices. 

Ongoing support from MHS and our team of experienced practitioners.

Upgrade: HRG Intensive 10Hrs.

Includes everything listed above and an extra 7 hours of intensive training on how bring the most value to your clients.

This 10 hr 4 Week Program You Will:

 Use the HRG as a Pre-Post Measure improve client outcomes and establish yourself as an expert. 

Using assessments in goal setting: enjoy detailed instruction of how to use the HRG in supporting your clients in improving their hardiness and building resiliency.

Using the assessments as a hiring tool: hiring is one of the most important decisions an organization makes, learn a 3 step process in using assessments as hiring tools.

Using assessments to grow your practice: assessments are powerful tools when you know how to implement them. Learn when to use the assessment in a single session, in a coaching program or to build your practice around building hardiness and resiliency and so much more! 

Program Structured Delivery and Time Commitments

  • Length of Training 
  • 4 Weeks
  • Delivery of Training
  • Virtual Live Weekly Course, Video Series, Experiential Learning Assignments – Practical Application Hands on Learning.
  • Experiential Course Work
  • Practice: Brief Coaching, Laser Coaching, Stress Management & Resiliency Coaching
  • Approximately 4 – 6 Hours Per Week
  • Two-hour live virtual session once a week, video series weekly videos 30-60 min videos each week, interactive group assignments.

Program Schedule: Dates and Times

**All Program Dates are in Pacific Standard Time

March Cohort: 

  • Day & Time Live Class Meets (Via Zoom)
    • Monday’s 1pm – 3:00pm PST
  • Dates of Course
    • Dates: March 17, 24, 31 April 7, 2024

May Cohort:

  • Day & Time Live Class Meets (Via Zoom)
    • Tuesday’s 8am – 10:00am PST
  • Dates of Course
    • Dates: May 6, 13, 20, June 3, 2025 
    • Holidays No Class: May 27, 2025
  • Must Attend Live Class Session
    • This program meets the professional association standards of NBHWC, CAMFT, ICF & SHRM. All professional associations require complete attendance.  ***If you miss live class time you will be required to make up the time missed.

Course Approved for Continuing Education:

***National Board of Health and Wellness Coaches Approved Course: CEA-000331-1 Hardiness Resiliency Gauge Certification 10 HRS.

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