Learn How YOU Can Become a Certified Group Coach:

Some Coaching Programs Train Group Coaching Skills others Teach a Specialization  

This Groundbreaking Program Does Both!


The Data Informs Transformational Leadership Reduces the Negative Impact of Prolonged Stressors and Fosters Resiliency!

30 Hr. Group Coaching Certification with an Emphasis in

Resiliency Leadership and Organizational Wellness

Benefits of Group Coaching

Individual coaching is known for bringing added value to every industry where it has been applied. Group coaching has the ability to not only expand that value it also builds community, strengthens teams, and supports the development of hardiness and resilience. Group coaching unites the individuals within the group with a shared focus or purpose. In addition, group coaching participants enjoy the benefit of added social support and additional expertise when paired with expert peers and much more.

Challenges of Group Coaching

One of the biggest myths about group coaching is that anyone can do it. Many coaches who are skilled at individual coaching assume there isn't much difference between individual coaching and group coaching other than having more people participate and that couldn't be further from the truth. Another mistake that is often made is the belief that since you might already work with groups in some capacity it will be a smooth transition into group coaching. Unfortunately for most folks, this is not the case.

Group coaching is not for the novice. Group coaching requires intermediate to advanced general coaching skills, the ability to set, communicate, and maintain effective boundaries, navigate personality differences, manage difficult behavior, all while keeping the group focused and on task. In addition, group coaching requires you to coach individuals without the sanctity of confidentiality as you can't guarantee the group participants will honor the level of confidentially you would provide your client within an individual session. Thus requiring you to monitor how deep you allow the group coaching participants to go within the group format.

These are just a few of the challenges group coaches face. There are many more nuances to consider and this is why we have developed a specialized Group Coach Certification uniquely designed to provide you the tools, techniques, and industry best practices to lead powerful and dynamic groups.

Enjoy a Done - For - You Group Protocol

Experience industry best practices for formal group coaching and leave with a step-by-step protocol to conduct a 12 - Week Group Coaching Program. Complete with weekly topics, group guidelines, and a detailed format for participant engagement that builds intuitive transformational leaders and reduces trauma while building hardiness and resilience.

Supporting Our Community


This group coaching certification program is uniquely designed to provide you with the tools and training you need to facilitate your very own group coaching program with a specialized focus in developing transformational leaders, building hardy and resilient teams, and navigating high-stress situations. 

During this Certification Training Program You Will:


Course Outcomes

Build Connection through Shared Experiences

Practice transformational leadership techniques to lead your group through guided storytelling.

Use Assessments in a Group Setting

Facilitate the dissemination of assessment results within a group setting maintaining confidentiality while encouraging group engagement.

Focus on the Silver Lining

Explain how the way we make sense and attach meaning to our experiences impacts our mood and our actions.

Describe the 4 Qualities of a Transformational Leader

Identify opportunities to grow your leadership abilities by implementing one of the 4 qualities of a transformational leader.

Foster Client Empowerment

Execute a step-by-step plan to identify areas where the participants/clients have influence and establish an action plan within a group setting.

Apply 3 Simple Steps to Engage Participants

Create personal connections with each of your group members with these 3 simple steps.

Identify Group Dynamics, Group Think, and the Bystander Effect.

Articulate the organic process of group dynamics, navigate group think, and engage participants to reduce the bystander effect within the group setting.

Structured Feedback within a Group Setting

Provide structured step-by-step feedback to individual participants within a group setting.

Bring Group Coaching to Your Organization Provide Proactive Support with an Emphasis on Transformational Leadership and Resiliency

Reduce Uncertainty, Build Hardy and Resilient Teams, Increase Employee Engagement, Provide Stability and Structure, Foster Transformational Leadership, & Build Determination


Tools You Will Recieve When You Attend the LIVE Event:

A Step-By-Step 12 Week Group Coaching Protocol

This step by step guide provides both structure and flexibility. The flexibility to tailor the protocol to your group’s specific needs while allowing for the stability that structure provides in times of uncertainty, change, and crisis.

Recommended Reading List

Provide your tribe with a recommended reading list filled with resources to use throughout the 6-Week Group Coaching Process. 

Powerful Questions Guide

A three-page reference guide to ask your participants powerful questions to foster engagement and innovative ideas toward goal actualization, behavioral change, and systems reform.

Professional Group Coaching Certification

Professional Certification provides a competitive advantage. Enjoy both professional certification and a specialized niche with an emphasis on crisis response, building hardiness and resilient teams, and transformational leadership.

Group Coach Certification Course Outline

Within this 38 Hr. Professional Group Coach Certification Program You Will Attend:


Fundamentals of Group Coaching


Using Assessments & Coaching


Transformational Leadership & Crisis Response Group Coaching


Facilitating a Virtual Social Support Group


Group Dynamics & Coaching


Group Coaching Practicum

Enjoy the Benefits of a Hybrid Structure


Live Weekly Experiential Learning

Practical hands on weekly sessions to unpack your video lecture series, pratice skill building, and deepen your coaching knowledge. Industry best pratices specificlly designed to support implemtation of course work.  Enjoy certified instructor real-time oral and written feedback and peer-to-peer coaching and mastermind sessions.


Video Series 8 Hours

This video series provides you with academically rigorous theory and industry best practice tools, techniques, and principles to develop mastery. Each course is accompanied by a custom video series broken into 20 or 30 min segments uniquely designed to fit your busy lifestyle.


Assessments are powerful tools to implement within the coaching relationship. To experience this first hand you will receive the Hardiness Resilience Gauge (HRG), Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ), and Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) with your attendance in the program.

Program Structured Delivery and Time Commitments

  • Length of Training
  • 12 Weeks
  • Delivery of Training
  • Virtual Live Weekly Course, Video Series, Experiential Learning Assignments – Practical Application Hands on Learning.
  • Experiential Course Work
  • Practice: Brief Coaching, Laser Coaching, Group Coaching
  • Approximately 4 – 6 Hours Per Week
  • Two-hour live virtual session once a week, video series weekly videos 30-60 min videos each week, interactive group assignments.

Program Schedule: Dates and Times

**All Program Dates are in Pacific Standard Time

  • Day & Time Live Class Meets (Via Zoom)
    • Wednesday’s 2pm – 4:15pm PST (One 10 min Break)
  • Dates of Course
    • Start Date Oct 2, 2024
    • Complete dates Oct 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Nov 6, 13, 20, Dec 4,11, 182024
    • No Class: Nov 27, 2024
  • Must Attend EVERY Class Session
    • This program meets the professional association standards of NBHWC, CAMFT, ICF & SHRM. All professional associations require complete attendance.  ***This course is approved for 30 hrs. CE by NBHWC,  CAMFT & SHRM and is part of a Level 2 Approved Program for ICF. *This course is structured to allow missing 1 live session. If you miss more than 1 live class you will be required to make up the time missed.

Register Today!

For Added Value Pair this Program with Designing Transformational Presentations Group Coaching Program

“This is, hands down, the best training I have attended in years! Dr. Janine is a force of nature, I can’t wait to start hosting my first group!”

Sylvia ~ Austin TX

“Dr. Elias knows her stuff! Every time I take a course with her, I am amazed with how much my coaching and leadership skills improve.”

Barbara ~ Human Resources Director

Program Approved: 

***Program part of a Level 2 Approved Program ICF Module 3 of the Master Resiliency Leadership & Organizational Wellness Coach Certificaiton ICF.