Continuing Education Mailing List

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Meeting Your Continuing Education Needs

At Elias Institute of Professional Coaching, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive continuing education training for coaches, mental health professionals, medical professionals, and consultants and to support you in building coaching mastery, designing transformative interventions, and building a comprehensive coaching practice (internal or external).

We provide specialized training in resiliency leadership development, human element of crisis response, nonclinical trauma reduction, stress management and resiliency and much more!


Upcoming Events

FREE Monthly Continuing Education

The first Wednesday of every month we provide a 1 hour continuing education FREE Live Event. Each month has a different topic. The live event is designed to give you an opportunity to connect with your peers, provide evidence-based training, and much more.

If you can’t attend the live event’s you can purchase the 10 HR Video Series of the Monthly Continuing Education Greatest Hits.

First Wednesday of Every Month 2024

Enhance your coaching skills with our monthly continuing education sessions.

Time: 12-1pm PST

Group Coach Certification 30HRS

To support you in making the successful transition into the realm of Group Coaching we have developed this groundbreaking group coaching program.

Utilize industry best practices with a specialized focus of group coaching techniques and strategies. 

Uniquely designed to provide you with the tools and training you need to facilitate your very own group coaching program with a specialized focus in developing transformational leaders, building hardy and resilient teams, and the use of nonclinical trauma reducation methods for stress management and so much more.

Some coaching programs train Group Coaching Skills others teach a specialization this revolutionary program does both with an emphasis in Transformational Leadership and Crisis Response.

2nd Oct 2024

Become a certified in group coaching with our comprehensive program. 12 Week Program

Date: Wednesday’s Oct 2nd – Dec 1th 2024

Time: 2 – 4:15am.

Tuition $3,499

Designing Transformational Coaching Programs

Having clearly defined coaching programs and packages helps the coach manage client expectations, streamlines the sales conversation, and improves client outcomes.

Design coaching programs for your clients that transform in as little as 6 weeks. Implement a 4-Step strategic formula to develop individual and group coaching programs and packages to support your clients in meeting their most important goals while growing your practice.

In this program we apply adult learning theory, industry best practices in designing groundbreaking programs, program evaluation, and powerful content creation. Experience full emersion into your creative process as you design your signature transformational coaching program.

5th Nov 2024

Join us for a comprehensive deep-dive into building transformational coaching programs. 6 Week Intensive.

Date: Tuesday Nov 5th – Dec 17th

Time: 8-10:30am.

Tuition: $1,299.00

Hardiness Resiliency Gauge Certification 10HRS

Become certified in administering Multi-Health Systems (MHS) Hardiness Resilience Gauge (HRG)

In this 4 Week course you will learn how to use the HRG assessment to identify your clients level of hardiness and how to use the 3C’s of hardiness to set goals to manage stress, improve interpersonal relationships, and build overall resiliency for individuals and organizations.

The HRG provides a quick and accurate self-assessment of an individual’s hardiness level which highlights how key qualities can enhance or undermine an individual’s stress resilience and adaptability across a range of circumstances.

Use this assessment to better serve your clients, build your practice, identify the effectiveness of your coaching interventions and so much more!

7th Nov 2024

Join us for an in-depth certification program on the Hardiness Resiliency Gauge. 6 hrs live training 4 hrs videos.

Date: Thursdays Sept 7 – Dec 19th

Time: 10-11:30am.

Tuition: $1299.00

Stress Management & Resiliency Coach Certification Levels I & II

Stress management and building resiliency can be challenging at best and at times feel impossible as we are bombarded with external influences.

Managing stress and building resiliency through a practice of mindfulness takes dedication, discipline, and determination – it’s not if something gets in the way it’s when the challenges of day-to-day living encroach on your ability to make decisions, set boundaries, and follow through on your most important goals.

Stress Management and Resiliency Coach Certification is steeped in three decades of peer reviewed research based on cognitive processing and cognitive behavioral therapies, solution focused therapy, and social psychology.

This groundbreaking protocol provides a strategic formula to build hardiness and resiliency, reduce the long term negative effects of stress, and develop self-awakening through a practice of mindfulness and social support.

Complete with a Done-for-You individual or group coaching protocol.

16th Sept 2024

Learn effective coaching tools for effective stress management techniques that build resiliency and foster interpersonal connections in our interactive comprehensive certification program.

Date: Mondays’s Sept 16th – Dec 16th, 2024

Time: 12 – 1:30pm

Tuition $3,499

Dr. Elias, thank you for the years of knowledge and experience you have poured into The Group Coaching Certification program! I have stopped struggling because this program provided all the information needed to design my content and coach my groups. It is incredibly comprehensive with high-quality content, meaningful activities, and relevant resources, so many tools to help me excel. I especially enjoyed our live group engagement and collaboration. I have elevated my coaching and program design skills far beyond what I had imagined. It was a unique learning experience that supported me on every level. I highly recommend this program to anyone wanting to grow their coaching and program development skills!” 


“Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to learn in your group program. I appreciate the tailored approach and the learning I got from it. Despite having extended experience in business and coaching, I realized at the end of it, that I added valuable skills to my toolbox, and I am not just more confident in myself, but also I am confident about the next steps I need to take.  I want to thank you for believing in me. I am sure there are so many talented people out there that could use a mentor like you, and I hope they’ll find you, for their own good..”

—Mia Bogatu NBC-HWC

Learn About Our Coach Certification Programs to Support Public Safety

ICF Level 1: Resiliency Leadership & Organizational Wellness Coaching Foundations

Resiliency Leadership and Organizational Wellness (RLOW) Coach Foundations training will immerse you in the International Coach Federation (ICF) professional coaching competencies within an experiential learning environment.

To enhance the practical application of these formal coaching skills we provide your coach training within the context of building resiliency leadership with the insight to coach leaders and followers in the step-by-step processes of developing a coach approach to leadership in turn creating an organizational culture of wellness.

We do this with a specialized focus on the industry of public safety, which has unique challenges of city, state, and government regulations in the implementation of change initiatives.

ICF Level 2: Master Resiliency Leadership & Organizational Wellness Coach Certification

ICF Approved Level 2 Professional Coach Certification Program for those seeking to learn formal coaching skills to advance their career or to start their journey toward a career in coaching. 

This program begins with introductory coaching skills and moves through to advanced coaching complete with specialized training in Resiliency Leadership, Crisis Response, Stress Management, Group Coaching, and Organizational Wellness.