Coaching LA Wildfires: Supporting First Responders

Emotional Recovery for Crisis Response®


A heartfelt thank you to our First Responders and all that you do to support our communities and efforts toward keeping us safe. We don’t have words to express our gratitude for your sacrifices. We LOVE You!

Coaching Services to Support First Responders in the Wake of the LA Wildfires

Our coaching programs provide a nonclinical, trauma-informed approach to support recovery and resilience. Unlike traditional therapy, coaching focuses on actionable strategies to navigate challenges, build strengths, and achieve goals. This program incorporates evidence-based practices tailored to the needs of law enforcement and military personnel and motified support firefighters in the wake of LA Wildfires.

Uniquely crafted to:

  • Mitigate the long-term negative effects of trauma.
  • Enhance communication and strengthen leadership skills.
  • Foster a sense of control and purpose.

Coaching for

Emotional Recovery

Emotional Triage first course in Emotional recovery for first response
Emotional Triage: 6 Week Program
Immediate support to stabilize participants and address acute stress.

This program can be conducted virtually or in person. Meeting once a week for 90 min.

Recovery Strategies: 12 Week Program
Tools and techniques to facilitate emotional and mental recovery over time.

This program can be conducted virtually or in person. Meeting once a week for 90 min.

Resilience Building: 18 Week Program
Structured activities & leadership training to foster hardiness and adaptability in the face of ongoing challenges.

This is a hybrid program: two 4 day in person intensive with follow up virtual sessions and a OnDemand video series. 

Training Programs for Coaches & Mental Health Providers

Expanding Our Reach: Training Providers

Specialized Coach Certification

Providing specialized training and professional certification for individuals that work as a coach and are interested in supporting first responders and government agencies. 

Mental Health Professionals

Applying formal coaching techniques in working with first responders and Emotional Recover for Crisis Response training and certification options. 

Leadership Coach Approach to Building Resiliency

Emotional Recovery for Crisis Response Coach Certification is designed to provide first responders with formal coach training with an emphasis on Emotional Recovery, Resiliency Leadership, and organizational wellness. 


We have a comprehensive vision to provide Coaching LA Wildfires for Angelenos as well as our extensive partners who came from other sates and nations to support our efforts.  To meet the unprecedented need we have in person events, virtual events, OnDemand video series, group coaching, indidivdual coaching, and training and certification programs for ongoing support. 

Group Coaching Programs

Coaching is known for brining added value to all industries where it’s been applied. Group coaching has the potential to expand that value with added peer support, opportunities for collaboration, and problem solving. Our group coaching programs include training material specifically designed for public safety workers who experience ongoing stressors, providing tactical solutions.

Training & Certification Program

We believe in a holistic systems approach. Individual wellness is impacted by organizational systems, leadership, social support, interpersonal skills and communication skills, balanced interests outside of the workplace, community involvement, emotional intelligence, level of hardiness just to name a few. To address these factors we provide training, professional development, and formal certification for individuals, leaders, and support personnel. In addition, we certify professional coaches and mental health professionals in working within the public safety sector.

Nonclinical Trauma Reduction

The data tells us that there are contributing factors to the onset of mood disorders in response to high stress situations and the repeated trauma expose of crisis response. Having an understanding of the key factors that contribute to negative outcomes can significantly reduce the onset and diminish negative symptoms throughout the trauma recovery period.

Virtual Support & Hybrid Programs

Providing virtual support extends our reach for our supporting agencies across the country and around the world as well as serving those right here in Los Angeles. All of our programs have a hybrid component, as the data informs us that hybrid programs with ongoing formal coach training can increase the transfer of training from the national average of less than 10% up to 70%.  Therefore all of our programs include 1:1 coaching, group coaching, live virtual or in-person training, and OnDemand video series. We highly recommend following these program with evergreen group coaching for ongoing support. 

Coaching LA Wildefires

To reduced the overall expenses of providing services to first responders we’re looking for businesses, schools, or public safety departments, to host live events. Thus, allowing us to support more folks. Will you help us?

hosting live events for emotional recovery crisis response coaching for la wildfires

Case Studies

Beta Program NJLE

6Week Leadership Group Coaching: Transformational Leadership & Crisis Response

This program was conducted in March 2021-June 2023. Initial findings rendered a 60% reduction in stress and a 70% improved hardiness. This case study informed the development of the Emotional Recovery for Crisis Response programs.

The purpose of the beta program was to determine the effectiveness of a 6 Week Leadership Group Coaching Program as a specific intervention for law enforcement officers to become more transformational in their leadership style, build resiliency, practice formal coaching techniques, and experience peer support while navigating their personal and professional development amidst a global pandemic and extreme social unrest.

The program design was developed to provide a training component with peer social support in an ongoing group setting. The participants were broken into three groups based on rank to ensure program content relevance and peer support. The participants took three assessments pre and post intervention. Each participant had access to a program manual, training videos, and individual coaching sessions pre, mid, and the end of the program.

Two weeks post the 6-week intervention, participants had two follow-up group coaching sessions one with their cohort peers and one with all the groups based on rank combined. Follow-up sessions support participants in identifying obstacles and options for transfer of training, supporting content implementation.

Midlevel Leaders & Chiefs 

Results for the midlevel leaders and chiefs. 100% of participants said they would recommend the program to their peers. 83% said they would have liked the weekly sessions to be longer, expressing enjoyment and professional benefit from getting the perspective and recommendations for troubleshooting challenges from their peers. 100% of the participants preferred the small group, reporting that the smaller group setting allowed more individual attention and ability to support their peers. Participants agreed that the structure of the program supported rapport building. Alternative offerings of the program were discussed, and the consensus was that meeting weekly over several weeks allowed for a deeper connection than meeting for the same number of hours in a single day would have afforded.

Frontline Officers

For the frontline officers the 6 Week Leadership Group Coaching program needs to be restructured to meet the demands of the job. I suggest the frontline officers experience a compressed offering of the group coaching program.

I recommend they attend a 4-hour training and group coaching session either at an in-person event or a virtual setting. After completing the 4-hour event the officers participate in three weeks of virtual group coaching.

The rationale for this structure is the 4-hour event introduces the frontline officer to the 4 characteristics of a transformational leader, the 3C’s of hardiness, how to conduct a peer-to-peer coaching session and utilizing the 3 program assessments for goals setting.

The three weeks of virtual group coaching allows the participants to continue to develop trust and rapport with their peers as well as train them in the guidelines and protocol of participating in virtual group coaching setting. Upon completion of the three weeks of follow up group coaching the frontline officers receive access to the evergreen group coaching program.