About Elias Institute of Professional Coaching

Founded in 2001, by Dr. Janine Elias, the Elias Institute of Professional Coaching is leading the way in innovative coach training.

Our Mission

Healing the soul of the world one leader at a time.

Our Vision

Utilizing formal coach training and transformational leadership to cultivate a safe, resilient, and healthy workforce to build thriving learning organizations that foster economic stability within the communities they serve.

We Believe Business is Personal

We’ve all heard the saying, “It’s not personal, it’s just business”. That statement couldn’t be further from the truth. Business is EXTREMELY personal. We spend more time in our life on our careers and our work than any other area of our life. Beginning with going to school, hours and hours each week working, ongoing training and professional development, and time away from our families and doing the things we enjoy.

Our work sustains us and our families, affords us our quality of life, provides health insurance for our families, retirement, and dictates our ability to send our children to college. Our work impacts every aspect of our life.

The workplace is the one place that we are MOST likely to experience trauma, frustration, overwhelm and burnout from poor working conditions and ineffective or bad leadership.

Here at the Elias Institute of Professional Coaching we are dedicated to guiding organizations in building a workplace culture where people thrive and grow while providing meaningful services, quality sustainable goods, and economic stability within the communities they serve.

We do this by utilizing formal coach training to cultivate transformational leaders who inspire innovation and foster safety and wellness through building learning organizations with a coaching culture.

The data shows leadership is essential in tackling crisis, not just any leadership, transformational leadership has the most positive outcome in developing hardiness and resilience while reducing the negative impact of exposure to trauma and prolonged stressors (Bartone, 2006).

Our signature program J Elias Organizational Wellness through Transformational Leadership is a holistic systems-based approach utilizing formal coach training and transformational leadership that cultivates a safe, resilient, and healthy workforce to build thriving learning organizations that foster economic stability within the communities they serve.

Our Values:

Foster Excellence & Innovation

Here at Elias Institute of Professional Coaching, we foster excellence and innovation as we support you in Mastering the Art and Science of Coaching with an emphasis on Transformational Leadership. We are committed to our applied training educational philosophy, training our leaders and coaches to be the best in their industry.

Academically Rigorous with Real World Applications

Our training programs are academically rigorous. We draw upon the latest research and best practices from the field of professional coaching, psychology, leadership, marketing, management, business development, and finance to provide a solid foundation for our graduates to become influential transformational leaders within their industry. Our training programs provide real-world applications. Steeped in every program, course or class are practical real-world applications to support the daily implementation of the course material. Our training transfers to the workplace. We’ve embedded within our curriculum, the essential foundation necessary to become a successful principle-centered transformational leadership coach.

Culturally Diverse, Socially Conscious, & Civic Minded

Our programs are culturally diverse, socially conscious, and civic-minded. We are dedicated to creating and maintaining a learning environment that encourages creativity, open communication, passion and inspired innovation. In order for powerful learning and transformation to take place, we provide a learning environment and culture that is safe and accepting, patient yet challenging, supporting our students as they grow and thrive taking their personal and professional development to the next level of excellence.

Personal Empowerment

To live a happy and fulfilled life requires self-awareness and powerful relationship skills. When attending our programs participants develop leadership skills, learn the Art and Science of Coaching, and are immersed in a program that fosters personal growth, self-awareness, improved emotional intelligence, nonclinical trauma reduction, and relationship development.

Nonclinical Trauma Reduction

Because the workplace is the one place we are most likely to experience trauma, we believe it’s essential to establish a coaching culture that supports wellness within the workplace. This is done through transformational leadership, formal coach training, and systems within the organization that foster a learning organization, social support, hardiness, and resiliency.

Meaningful Relationships

True happiness comes within meaningful relationships. We feel a deep personal connection when someone bears witness to our lives and shares in our experiences. To develop powerful lifelong relationships we must bring our understanding of the meaning of “relationship” to new heights. Beyond family, romance, and friendship to the reality that we are relating to and interacting with – in relationship – in every area of our lives. We are relating to food, education, exercise, spirituality, work, money, the environment, and yes, our loved ones. We are in relationship in every aspect of our lives. When we master the art of communication and relationship development, we open ourselves to deep human connections, happiness, and meaningful relationships.

Transformational Leadership

The making of an influential and inspiring leader, a transformational leader, begins with self-knowledge, impulse control, and a principled center vision.  Whether you are in a leadership role within an organization, running your own business, or actively engaged in social change to be an effective leader who demonstrates integrity and high ethical standards you must first know what you stand for. Once you have identified your own moral compass you then have the foundation to build upon to be a powerful agent of change


It is our human connections that give our lives meaning. It is through community we feel connected, engaged, and empowered. At Elias Institute of Professional Coaching, we come together with a shared vision to  become part of something greater than ourselves. Being part of a transformative community means being compassionate, kind, resourceful, engaging, and principle centered. It is through our principles that we are able to lead within our organization and our community as we inspire others and transform how business is experienced while being of service within our communities. 

“Change is simple, it involves a shift in thinking and new – repeated actions, which over time, take root as new behaviors. It’s simple but NOT easy. If it were easy everyone would do it.” Dr. Janine Elias