Skills to Lead Change

Explore our resiliency leadership and organizational wellness coach certification programs for individuals and leaders that support hardy and resilient teams to build thriving learning organizations.


See List of Courses and Programs Below

Professional Coach Training Programs

Elias Institute of Professional Coaching trains a diverse group of coaches serving multiple demographic markets including private industry individuals interested in coach certification, entrepreneurs, and industry leaders. Public sector - education, government, first responders, public works, and military personal. And the health sector - mental health professionals, nurses, doctors, and administrators.

Elias Institute of Professional Coaching trains world-class coaches in formal coach training programs designed to meet the rigorous requirements of the International Coach Federation (ICF) and the National Board of Health and Wellness Coaches (NBHWC) We are dedicated to supporting the professionalization of the field of professional coaching.  All courses are presented on a virtual platform. 

Our certification programs are approved by the International Coach Federation (ICF) as Approved Coach Specific Training Hours (ACSTH). In addition participants of our courses may accumulate Society of Human Resources (SHRM), California Association of Marriage and Family Therapist (CAMFT), National Board of Health and Wellness Coaches (NBHWC) Continuing Education.

All programs are conducted in English. You must be able to understand, speak, read, and write in English to participate in the programs. All courses require that you have a working computer with a working camera and a working microphone. In addition, you are required to have internet services to be able to access the course content and participate in the programs live virtual events. We do not provide these items or internet services for you they are the responsibility of the student.

  • Individuals who want to gain a competitive career advantage by adding formal coach training.  
  • Individual who want to open a coaching practice or work as a professional coach. 
  • Senior level leaders who are dedicated to fostering organizational wellness and understand the positive impact of developing a coaching culture to support a learning organization.
  • Mental health professionals who want to add coaching to their practice or diversify their work through coaching and consulting.
  • Experienced coaches who want to start their path to becoming credentialed.
  • HR professionals that want to foster a coaching culture or bring internal coaching to their organization.
  • Coaches looking to enjoy a competitive advantage with a unique specialization. 
  • Law Enforcement and Military personal that want to become more transformational in their leadership style and implement formal coaching techniques.
  • Government agencies who want to implement change indicatives that build hardy and resilient teams. 
  • Certified professional seeking high quality approved continuing education and coach training.  
  • Our programs are ICF Level 1 & Level 2 accreditation programs.
  • Resiliency Leadership & Organizational Wellness (RLOW) Coaching Foundations Training Program 73hr. 
  • RLOW Coaching Foundations 60hr program Includes Module 1 Coaching Solutions for Organizational Wellness & Resiliency 30hr training and Module 2 Coaching for Designing Actions 30hr training.
  • In addition, students choose one module from the Specialization Tract A: Module 3 Resiliency Leadership Coach 23hrs. or Module 4 Crisis Response Coach 22hrs.
  • Feedback on 5 Observed Coaching Sessions by Certified Instructor
  • 10 hours mentor coaching 7hr group 3hr individual.
  • Master Resiliency Leadership & Organizational Wellness (M-RLOW) Coach Certification Program 77hr.
  • M-RLOW total 150 hour training includes:
  • RLOW Coaching Foundations 60hr. Coach Training: Includes Module 1 Coaching Solutions for Organizational Wellness & Resiliency 30hr Module 2 Coaching for Designing Actions 30hr training.
  • In addition, Specialization Tract A & B (Modules 3, 4, 5 & 6): Module 3 Resiliency Leadership Coach 23hrs. or Module 4 Crisis Response Coach 22hrs. (**the one you didn't take in the RLOW level 1 training.) Module 5 Group Coaching Certification is a 30 hrs. Module 6 Stress Mgt & Resiliency 15hrs.
  • Feedback on 6 Observed Coaching Sessions by Certified Instructor
  • 10 hours mentor coaching 7hr group 3hr individual.

You can register for Individual Modules: 30hr modules are $3,499 | 22-23hr modules start at $2,499

Select Coaching Packages for Tuition Reduction:

Resiliency Leadership & Organizational Wellness (RLOW) Coaching Foundations Package (73hrs.) Includes:  Module 1 & 2 (60hrs.) | One specialization Module 3 or 4 (23hrs.)  Reduced Tuition RLOW Coaching Foundations Package $6,497

Master Resiliency Leadership & Organizational Wellness Coaching (M-RLOW) Package (77hrs.) Incudes: One specialization modules (3 or 4) 23hrs. | Group Coaching Certification 30hrs. | Stress Management & Resiliency Coach Certification 30hrs. (prerequisite completion RLOW Coaching Foundations Package | Reduced Tuition Package (Coaching Foundations Taken Separately) $6,597

Level 1 & 2 Taken Separately totals $12,994

Register for Master Resiliency Leadership & Organizational Wellness Coach Certification Total Package (150 hrs.): Includes RLOW Coaching Foundations & M-RLOW Coaching Certification $11,994 (Save $1,000 by purchasing together)

  • Discounts available for five or more purchased together, military, and Elias Institute alumni. Early-bird discounts also available if purchased at least 15 days before program begins.

Course completion times vary from 12 weeks to 1 year (see individual modules for scheduling). Weekly time investment, approximately 6 – 8 Hours Per Week. Depending on the program you will meet once a week for two hours, twice a week for two hours, or once a week for 4 hours.  In addition, to your required live class sessions there are weekly videos 30-60 min videos each week, and interactive group assignments and peer-to-peer coaching sessions each week.

Coach Certification Modules

Level 1 Coaching Foundations

Coaching Foundations 73 hr.

Module 1: Coaching for Business Solutions (30hrs.)

Module 2: Coaching for Designing Actions (30hr.)

One Module from Specialization Track A

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Coach Specialization: Track A

Become a Certified Professional Coach with a Specialization:

Module 2: Transformational Leadership Coach

Module 3: Crisis Response Coach

New Program: Law Enforcement Officer Coach.

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Coach Specialization: Track B

ICF Level 2 Complete Coach Training Package: Level 1, Specialization Track A & B, Mentor Coaching

Module 4: Group Coach Certification

Module 5 Stress Management & Resiliency Coach Certificaiton

Module 6: Organizational Wellness through Transformational Leadership

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Complete Coach Certification Programs

Crisis Response Coach Certification

Become a NBHWC Certified Health and Wellness Coach with a Specialization in Crisis Response and Transformational Leadership

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Group Coaching Certification

Enjoy the benefits of a Group Coaching Certification with an emphasis in Transformational Leadership and Crisis Response to build Hardiness and Resiliency.

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Transformational Leadership Coach Certification

Become a Certified Professional Coach with a Specialization in Transformational Leadership and Organizational Reform.

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Flagship Coaching Certification

Develop World Class Coaching Mastery in the most comprehensive coaching certification program Organizational Wellness through Transformational Leadership

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Crisis Response Coach Certification

Become a NBHWC Certified Health and Wellness Coach with a Specilization in Crisis Response and Transformaitonal Leadership

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Group Coaching Certification

Enjoy the benefits of a Group Coaching Certification with an emphasis in Transformational Leadership and Crisis Response to build Hardiness and Resiliency.

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Transformational Leadership Coach Certification

Become a Certified Professional Coach with a Specialization in Transformational Leadership and Organizational Reform.

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Flagship Coaching Certification

Develop World Class Coaching Mastery in the most comprehensive coaching certification program Organizational Wellness through Transformational Leadership

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A Peak at Some of Our Continuing Education Programs

Designing Transformational Presentations

Design coaching programs for your clients that transform. Implement a 4-Step strategic formula to develop individual and group coaching programs and packages to support your clients in meeting their most important goals while growing your practice.

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Monthly Continuing Education Greatest Hits

10 Unique topics designed to build your coaching skills, increase your coaching knowledge, and grow your practice. Fully automated on-demand video series providing self-paced asynchronous learning.

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Quiet the Noise Coaching Protocol

This groundbreaking  protocol provides a strategic formula to build hardiness and resiliency, reduce the long term negative effects of stress, and develop self-awakening through a practice of mindfulness and social support.

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Hardiness Resilience Gauge (HRG) Certification

The HRG provides a quick and accurate self-assessment of an individual’s hardiness level which highlights how key qualities can enhance or undermine an individual’s stress resilience and adaptability across a range of circumstances

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Module 1: Coach Training Business Solutions

30 Hour Intensive (no prerequisite)

This introductory program is uniquely crafted for leaders and HR professionals who are interested in brining formal coach training and transformational leadership skills into the workplace. This program teaches peer-to-peer coaching and introductory skill for 1:1 coaching sessions for leaders and managers within an organization. Can also be used for external coaches who providing organizational and leadership coaching and consulting.  Learn More

Crisis Response Coach (CRC) Certification

Specialization Track A

The workplace can be a source of comradery, collaboration, and self-actualization. Our work provides for our families and contributes to our communities. However, the workplace can also be a place of overwhelming stress, isolation, and discord. Our Organizational Wellness Coaching Foundations program is uniquely designed to provide the tools and training to transform the workplace. Learn More

Module 2: Caoching Foundations 

30 Hour Intensive (prerequisite module 1)

How we care for our health impacts every aspect of our life. Our individual health dictates our mood, energy level, ability to concentrate, and manage stress. Organizational wellness is equally important. Enjoy a systems approach to how our overall well-being is tied to our individual health and how our environment plays a direct role in our well-being.

Module 3: Group Coach Certification (GCC)

30 Hour Intensive Coach Certification

We have experienced an unimaginable crisis of a global magnitude and we are in dire need of group support within the workplace, schools, medical settings, and our communities. There simply are not enough folks professionally trained in group coaching. Learn more about how group coach certification can transform your coaching practice and advance your career!

Health and Wellness

15 Hour Intensive (part of the CRC program)

How we care for our health impacts every aspect of our life. Our individual health dictates our mood, energy level, ability to concentrate, and manage stress. Organizational wellness is equally important. Enjoy a systems approach to how our overall well-being is tied to our individual health and how our environment plays a direct role in our well-being.

Organizational Wellness through Transformational Leadership Coaching (OW-TLC)

150 Hour Intensive Coach Certification

The Organizational Wellness through Transformational Leadership Coaching (OW-TLC) Certification is an advanced certification for the dedicated practitioner interested in facilitating positive social change to support organizational wellness and individual self-actuation. The innovative practitioner who understands the value of building hardy and resilient teams that work together toward a shared vision. A practitioner with integrity who is ethical, committed to developing mastery, and  providing a valuable services that builds economic stability and transforms lives in positive and meaningful ways.

The OW-TLC advanced certification combines the  Crisis Response Coach Certification with Transformational Leadership, Organzational Wellness, and system reform designed to build a coaching culture and innovative organizations that support employee engagement and much more.  Learn More

There are multiple paths to certification and few paths to mastery…

Here at Elias Institute of Professional Coaching, we provide both.

Programs Specially Tailored to Give YOU a Competitive Advantage 

Bringing the skill of coaching into the workplace can be a daunting task. Starting your very own coaching practice is even more daunting. 

Enjoying the benefit of gaining the fundamental practices of coaching with a specialized niche for practical application – priceless! 

Experience the advantage of specialized coach training when you attend our unique certification programs. 

Supporting You in Career Advancement and Professional  Certification

Each of Our Coach Certification Programs Share the First Three Courses:

  1. Coaching Foundations: individual or group coaching industry best practices & practical application.
  2. Transformational Leadership Coaching: four tendencies of a transformational leader, developing emerging leaders, & community leadership.
  3. Coaching Competency Practicum & Feedback: skill-building, peer to peer feedback, extensive certified instructor feedback, experience being both coach and coachee.

Uplevel Your Career With Professional Certification!

I'm Ready to Become a Certified Coach!